glenn scheske photo

glenn scheske photo

Letter: Blessed hospital experience

I am so grateful to all involved getting me back to good health.

I was in need of major abdominal surgery involving a five-day stay in Vernon Jubilee Hospital I was a little afraid as I had never had surgery to this degree before.

Upon entering the hospital at my pre-appointed arrival slot I was met by a very sweet elderly volunteer who smiled at me asked me to take a seat all the time knitting a dishcloth in her lap and not dropping a single stitch. I was quite taken back by her and immediately thought to myself not only is this person volunteering her time she is creating items to be sold in the hospital shop. Now that is unselfish caring for fellow people if ever I saw it, she was able to help me feel less stressed about the upcoming surgery.

I was led into the pre-surgery area where I was met by a nurse who carefully explained what would be taking place as we approached the scheduled procedure time. I walked into the operating theatre and was introduced to the entire team of professionals that were going to take care of me. The conversation was full of checks and re-assurances along with smiles even a few laughs, I could feel my earlier fears washing away with each nod the surgical team was giving me. I felt extremely lucky to have such a team of caring people all looking out for my best interests.

My recovery on Ward 3 began soon after, my vitals were being checked every four hours, pain medication is given along with blood-thinning protocols.

Over the next few days, I was assisted by various nurses all of which showed extreme diligence and caring absolutely outstanding level of patient care.

Like many industries that run smoothly you need team leaders and here at Vernon we are fortunate to have one of the best “charge nurses” just like a quarterback with the playbook in their back pocket able to both provide their patient care while answering and guiding less experienced nurses at the same time (thank you, Amanda).

I am so grateful to all involved getting me back to good health and would like to just say the teamwork and spirit of Vernon Jubilee Hospital are awesome and I am so proud to have them a part of our city.

Mark Welford

Vernon Morning Star