The annual Cyswog'n'fun triathlon begins with a 1,500m swim in Kootenay Lake.

The annual Cyswog'n'fun triathlon begins with a 1,500m swim in Kootenay Lake.

LETTER: Boats pose challenge to Cywsog

Volunteers laid out the swim course for annual Cyswog‘n’fun triathlon and noticed boats anchored farther along the shore than usual.

Last Wednesday evening volunteers laid out the swim course for Nelson’s annual Cyswog‘n’fun triathlon and we noticed some sailboats anchored farther along the shoreline towards Lakeside Park. The most northerly anchored boats are within the swim course boundaries. There seem to be more boats anchored than in previous years and they are migrating north past the duck pond.

We could change the swim course to detour farther out into the lake to attain the 1,500m length we require but this increases risk to the swimmers the farther out from shore we go. If you have one of these boats, we are hoping you could move the boats and anchor buoys south of the duck pond. Thanks in advance for your consideration.

Bill Harbord, race director, Cyswog‘n’fun


Nelson Star