Some people reuse plastic bags. (Black Press-files)

Some people reuse plastic bags. (Black Press-files)

Letter: ‘Bringing common sense to left-wing ridiculousness’

Mr. Fletcher is absolutely correct in his latest column about the anti-plastic bag zealots.

Editor, The News:

Re: Politicians pose on plastic bags.

Thank God for Tom Fletcher, a lone, bright light of common sense in a town rapidly sliding into left-wing ridiculousness. No, I’m not being sarcastic.

Opening The News to the letters and opinion section is often a crapshoot. Which letter pushing the misguided socialist agenda will raise my blood pressure today?

Usually it’s the ones misidentifying self-inflicted, thieving drug addicts as ‘unfortunate homeless folks who’ve fallen on hard times.’

No, I’m not mean-spirited or lacking compassion. I’m just a normal person possessing common sense – like Tom Fletcher seems to be.

Mr. Fletcher is absolutely correct in his latest column about the anti-plastic bag zealots. It is so typical of the hypocritical left. They’ll ignore most of the reality around them and zero in with laser beam focus on one tiny aspect of the problem. They then obsess about it and attack everyone who doesn’t fall in step with them. At night they’ll pat themselves on the back and congratulate each other for personally saving the planet. Al Gore must be so proud.

I use plastic bags. I reuse plastic bags. I never throw away a plastic bag without having used it for something else.

Principally, I use them for my kitchen garbage. I have a rack under my sink designed to utilize these bags. If there were no shopping bags, I’d be buying boxes of kitchen catchers.

When I go shopping and I’m asked if I want bags, I say, ‘Yes please. In fact, please double bag everything.'”

Then I look at one of the ‘sheep’ with their filthy reusable bags in line and shoot them a ‘I dare you to say something’ glare.

David Vernon

Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge News