Letter: Brookswood development approval was shocking

Editor: I attended the Township of Langley open house on June 23, regarding the Brookswood-Fernridge Community Plan.

Over 750 people attended the event and from what I could see a large majority of people do not want to see spot development, removal of the trees, and habitat for wildlife along with the characteristic of the community destroyed.

Therefore, I was shocked and appalled to learn that a development proposal was approved at the Monday, June 27 council meeting without an updated community plan.

The dust was barely off from the information collected from the open house, and the proposal was put through.

I can only come to one conclusion. The development was already a done deal and the open house was merely a façade to make people think that their feedback and opinions would matter.  It was nothing but a joke and a waste of time and money for everyone that attended.

It is really clear that some council members do not have the interests of the people of Brookswood on their radar at all. Instead, they have the wishes of the developers who have no vested interest in the community, except to make a lot of money.

I love living in this community and really appreciate the quieter lifestyle, the beautiful trees and the habitat for wildlife.

The majority of people, including myself, want to see our community preserved.

We understand that some development has to occur.  However, we want to see it done with an updated community plan, and a plan that has integrity, care and thought. We do not want to see our community decimated by greedy developers.

Now is the time for people in Brookswood to speak up and make their voices and concerns heard about loss of trees, wildlife habitat and other issues before more is lost.

B. Rost,


Langley Times