
Letter: Burning wood is ‘carbon neutral’

It's 'carbon neutral' like the biofuels such as Methane

Burning wood is ‘carbon neutral’

While I respect Peter Nix, Cowichan Carbon Buster’s intentions to reduce carbon emissions by NOT helping to fund cleaner, wood-burning stoves, there is a minor correction.

The rise in atmospheric CO2 is a function of the release of carbon fixed by plants 100 million years ago and more (when there were trees on Ellesmere Island, and Alberta was an inland sea) and ‘fossilized’.

Carbon emitted from burning wood was fixed, largely within the last few hundred years and is a part of nature’s cycle. It’s ‘carbon neutral’ like the biofuels such as Methane sold as an option by Fortis Gas.

Love the “Cowichan Carbon Buster” title, though, Peter. Well done.

Peter Lake


Cowichan Valley Citizen