Letter: Buy tickets, cheer for our Kelowna Rockets

Show your support for the Rockets' hard work. Buy tickets, go to the games and cheer.

To the editor:

We have a great hockey team in our city. My wish is to see a sold out arena on Friday night when the Portland Winterhawks come to start the third round of the playoffs versus our Kelowna Rockets.

It’s disappointing for our players when they’re in first place and the arena isn’t full and cheering loudly. I don’t understand why some season ticket holders don’t purchase playoff tickets. Players work hard each game to be in the playoffs and this is the best hockey of the year.

Recently, my husband and I attended two games in Kent, Washington where the Kelowna Rockets played against the Seattle Thunderbirds. We wore our Rocket’s jerseys, cheered and I waved my Rocket’s flag often.

The crowd was very supportive of their team—standing, clapping and chanting encouragement.

The first night there was a large crowd as it was half price Tuesday. Tickets were only $14 and beer, hotdogs, popcorn etc., were $2.

The next night the crowd was small and our tickets cost $28 each.

The playoff tickets for the games in Kelowna were only $17.50 for that series. This is a great value as we are seeing the stars of tomorrow today.

We met three guys wearing Rocket jerseys that came down to the game and also met Cole Martin’s uncle from Seattle. Cole’s parents flew in from Arlington, Texas for the games and we had a delightful chat with his father.

After the games many T’birds fans congratulated us on winning the series and hoped we would beat Portland. It was an enjoyable time.

We are blessed to have such a great team with dedicated owners, good coaches, etc. This season we’ve witnessed our boys develop their skills and mature into young men we’re proud of.

Let’s wear white, pack Prospera Place and let Portland hear our loud voices and feel our Canadian pride.

Go, Rockets, go!

Darlene Fischer,


Kelowna Capital News