The Myra Canyon trestles near Kelowna have walkways. (Photo courtesy

LETTER: Cameron Lake trestles need a walkway

There are a number of special interest groups that are fighting to save the railway…

To the Editor,

I just arrived back on Vancouver Island after a 50-year absence. I grew up on the E&N railway at St. Andrews Steet (right on the tracks) in Nanaimo in the 1950s. I’m quite interested in what’s been happening with the E&N.

I also hear that the Cameron Lake trestles are closed—well, we’ll see about that.

Before anything else is done, walkways must be put on the trestles to make sure they are safe. When you look at the Kinsol trestle, located on the old CNR line near Shawnigan Lake, you’ll see that it’s an excellent example of preserving our railway history. It has a walkway over the trestle. The group that did this can be congratulated for their efforts.

All 18 trestles in Myra Canyon on the old Kettle Valley Line near Kelowna also have walkways. This is what should happen to the Cameron Lake trestles.

But somebody make it happen—please. I’ll be the promoter. I’m 75, but my pen still works and I know how do it.

The Cameron Lake trestles are not just a Vancouver Island treasure, nor a B.C treasure—they are a Canadian treasure. Make no mistake, they are precious and should be treated as such.

There are a number of special interest groups that are fighting to save the railway. Get walkways on the trestles for a start. I’m sure the bikers and hikers would love it.

How about making the Cameron Lake trestles a provincial park?

We should form a group called “Friends of the Cameron Lake Trestles.”

Dave Baker,

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News