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Letter: Campaign endorsement questions

Revelstoke resident talks politics and social media


This letter is in regards to our Mayor Gary Sulz endorsing a candidate in our current provincial election.

Not only is it totally inappropriate for any civic politicians to weigh in on politicians beyond our city, in my opinion, it sends a message that he can’t work with anyone we choose. Does this mean if his candidate is rejected we should also reject him?

Civic politics should be non-partisan and our political leaders must govern outside of any party since we have no civic party system that guides ideology, Sulz unfortunately has stepped out of this principle .

In regards to his chosen candidate, when I expressed this view on his Facebook page my post was deleted and I am blocked from presenting any opinion on his posts, which I receive unsolicited.

When reading comments on Liberal posts they are nothing but positive so it appears that he now is unwilling to engage with all of us who pay his wage.

In the past I have engaged with him and found him to be very willing to answer my concerns openly on his party posts.

It is unfortunate that he is only willing to engage when his job is safe and not when he is being evaluated for future employment.

If our politicians have the ability to reach us beyond traditional ways it can only be a good thing if they are allowing the established protocols of these platforms remain open at all times. If a person runs from polite constructive views we can only ask one question.

What are you afraid of ?

-David Hickey, Revelstoke


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