Helen Homer gave thanks to the elves who decorated Cottonwood Trail in Maple Ridge this holiday season, saying it brought “people some Christmas cheer.” She shared a picture of Don Lekei and his dog Mabel walking along the decorated trail. (Special to The News)

LETTER: Can elves also clean up Cottonwood Trail?

Letter writer critical of dog owners who don't pick up after their pooches

Dear Editor,

[RE: SHARE: Trail decorations bring Christmas cheer, Dec. 28, The News]

It’s just a shame that those Cottonwood Trail elves also take a dump while they use the trail, and leave it for us locals to enjoy.

RELATED LETTER: Maple Ridge dog walker pissed with discarded poop bags

Just love those dog owners who are to proud to clean up after themselves.

Rick Rawson, Maple Ridge

RELATED: Vancouver wants new way to deal with dog poop


UNRELATED: VIDEO – Dog ornament that takes a ‘poopy’ view of 2020 a hit for Maple Ridge crafter



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Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows News