Letter: Canada has stepped back from ISIS fight

Editor: Well, Justin has done it — he has caused this country to step back from its military mission and from an active role in the war on terror.

He has opted instead to provide humanitarian and training aid for our allies who actually are doing the fighting against ISIS.

The fact that the  Islamic States of Iraq and Syria thugs have murdered thousands by terrorist acts and beheaded  thousands more innocent people has scared Justin off.

Never has there been a greater threat to civilization, and a scarier and  more barbaric opponent than ISIS where the philosophy of life is from a 1,000 years in the past and where a human life means little if anything.

To add to our shame, Justin has caused our NATO allies to snub Canada and to not invite this country to NATO meetings and conferences.

For the first time in my lifetime I am truly ashamed to be a Canadian.

But then this is a democracy and Justin was elected by the Canadian electorate.

The fault is therefore ours.

Gord Weitzel,


Langley Times