LETTER: Canada should not be selling weapons abroad

LETTER: Canada should not be selling weapons abroad

A Langley man is critical of Canada for selling arms that are being used to kill civilians.

Dear Editor,

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has now correctly apologized for Canada’s refusal to give haven to 907 Jewish passengers aboard MS St. Louis who were fleeing Hitler’s genocidal evil in 1939. Canada’s policy at that time with regard to admittance of Jews was None Is Too Many as described in the book of the same title.

Unfortunately we have much in common with Canadians of 79 years ago. Prime Minister Trudeau should apologize to the people of Yemen for our continuing to supply weapons to Saudi Arabia to kill Yemeni men women and children and for our part in contributing to the starvation of 400,000 now critically ill children in Yemen. The New York Times reported on the state of these starving children early in November.

This along with our government approved export of billions of dollars worth of weapons to the United States is an indictment of our nation. A few thousand jobs in the arms trade are not worth what this does to us as Canadians, never mind what it does to our victims. We can be better than this.

Brendan Martin, Langley

• See newstory on the prime minister’s apology

Langley Advance