

LETTER: Canada’s health system leaves cystic fibrosis patients behind

Adam Mellesse of Chilliwack calls out health care system

Editor’s Note: This letter has been edited for clarity. Letters to the editor may also be edited for brevity and taste.

Dear Editor:

When I was in high school, I helped with a fundraiser for cystic fibrosis (CF). I didn’t know anything about it, but through education, I learned how every breath was a struggle. Life was a struggle. I actually couldn’t comprehend what it was like to experience those symptoms ALL the time, and I was asthmatic as a child.

I did the fundraiser because I had a crush on a girl who was also doing the fundraiser, but I quickly learned the difficulties people had with CF and ever since the fundraiser, I wanted to help out.

I hope this letter will help you realize that if you can get Trikafta in Canada, you should, no matter what costs. If someone close to you was suffering, you wouldn’t stop trying. Please don’t let money get in the way of the right path forward.

If it helps one life directly, it enriches everyone’s life around them. The ripple effect goes beyond your comprehension and mine, but you’ll know it’s right because it’ll also make YOU feel good.

Thank you and thank you again.


Adam Mellesse


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