LETTER: Canadian Cancer Society using fear tactics

The Canadian Cancer Society is at it again, providing misinformation about the safety of pesticides.


Re: Health authorities against lawn pesticide use (Feb. 29 issue of the Grand Forks Gazette)

The Canadian Cancer Society is at it again, providing misinformation about the safety of pesticides.

When it comes to health and safety of pesticides, readers should know that before any pesticide can be sold in Canada, it must undergo a rigorous scientific review and risk assessment by Health Canada.

In addition to a comprehensive set of over 200 tests, Health Canada also reviews all additional scientifically credible studies that exist.

Through this process, pesticides receive a greater breadth of scrutiny than any other regulated product and only those products that meet Health Canada’s strict health and safety standards are registered for sale and use.

Not only can pesticides be used safely but they help control threats to human health (such as rats and mosquitoes), they protect private and public properties from insect, weed and disease infestations and they help ensure that Canadians have a safe and affordable supply of food.

If the concerns raised by the Canadian Cancer Society were valid, the pesticides that are currently available for use in British Columbia would be pulled from the shelves by Health Canada.

Instead, the expert scientists at Health Canada have repeatedly stated that these pesticides are not a health or environmental concern.

The reality is that the Canadian Cancer Society has been involved in this pesticides debate for many years and has never provided credible information to Health Canada or others to justify its position, nor have they explained how they can accept other uses of pesticides such as for agriculture if they are convinced of the dangers these products pose.

Pesticides can be safely used and Canadians should feel comfortable if they choose to use them. Sincerely,

Lorne Hepworth, President, CropLife Canada

Grand Forks Gazette