LETTER: Canadians have welcomed immigrants

LETTER: Canadians have welcomed immigrants

Canada was beautiful, the soil was rich, and the people were so welcoming

Dear Editor:

I am writing in response to the Letter to the Editor, dated March 28, titled, Leaders have opened doors to immigrants.

My great grandfather came to Canada in 1891, leaving poverty and hardships behind in the old country searching for a better life for his wife and his little five-year-old daughter, my grandmother.

He had heard rumours about this country and he came to see for himself.

RELATED: LETTER: Leaders have opened doors to immigrants

RELATED: 40% of Canadians want less immigration: poll

Yes, the rumours were true. Canada was beautiful, the soil was rich, and the people were so welcoming.

He went back home to the Ukraine, told of this wonderful country and brought back his wife and my grandmother and many others.

I think today of those German Mennonite farmers who welcomed my great grandfather to Canada. I am forever thankful. And I will welcome all who are seeking a better place for themselves and their children, fleeing war, persecution, and extreme poverty, knowing that Canada is great because of the immigrants that come, and great because of the love and compassion of those who welcome them.

Bernadette Achtem


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