Letter: Canadians want electoral reform

Kelowna - A host of people involved in the process were all calling for a yes vote, on May 31

Abbotsford News reader wants to see national a referendum on electoral reform.

Abbotsford News reader wants to see national a referendum on electoral reform.

To the editor:

Mr. Jason Broome’s June 16 letter against the importance of electoral reform and in support of Stephen Fuhr is rife with flaws and peppered with numerous misleading statements unsubstantiated statistics, as well as presumptuous rhetoric. Such as when Mr. Broome wrote “…a yes vote by Fuhr would have done nothing to support electoral reform by the next election…”

A host of people actively involved in studying and promoting electoral reform, including prominent advocators like Fair Vote Canada, Fair Voting BC and Leadnow, as well as tens of thousands of individuals in the electoral reform movement, were all calling for a yes vote, on May 31. Yet Mr. Broome, who even rejects the need to change the electoral system, presumes to know better than all of them, what will advance their cause of reform and what will not! That’s arrogance epitomized.

If support for, and interest in, electoral reform is as low as Mr. Broome claims, why did it feature so prominently in the Liberals’ 2015 campaign? A campaign that saw candidate Justin Trudeau repeat his solemn promise hundreds of times that he’d make every vote count in 2019.

Mr. Broome parrots the very same words the Trudeau Liberals use as excuses for dropping their campaign promises including citing numbers from the Liberal government’s own, tainted, online poll. That survey was universally panned by opinion pollsters and political scientists as poorly designed, biased and unscientific. For a more accurate, scientific and balanced poll analysis, I suggest a Google search for Electoral reform EKOS politics is a good place to start to see for yourself what the real poll numbers indicate. For more information from a politically non-aligned organization on why electoral reform is so important, you might go to the Fair Vote Canada website and not swallow the Liberal party line.

Terry W. Robertson, Kelowna

Kelowna Capital News