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LETTER: Cancel Summerland’s solar project

Council should not spend any more money on initiative

Dear Editor:

It is very difficult to understand that with all the budget constraints the District of Summerland is facing, the solar project is still going ahead. What are you people thinking?

READ ALSO: Signatures gathered in opposition to Summerland solar project

READ ALSO: Summerland approves solar project

Let’s put our big breeches on, swallow our pride, and cancel the solar project. Do not put any more good money on a bad project. Cut your losses and move on to allocating funds to fix our roads and upgrade our maintenance equipment. We should also focus on trying to sell to a developer, all that nice land the solar project is destine for. Selling the serviced land would have a positive impact on our economy and budget.

The budget estimates for the solar project have been flawed from the beginning. Admit the errors, and move on. We are not a large enough population to be funding a bottomless pit project like the solar project.

With so many Summerland residents opposed to the solar project, why are so many of you elected officials continuing to push this project. Perhaps you have all forgotten about the next election coming up and the impact of proceeding with this project may have on how people vote.

Brian Wilkey


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