Letter: Candidates send clear message by their ‘no shows’

I attended an “all candidates meeting.” Unfortunately all three Liberal candidates were absent.

To the editor:

Last Monday, May 6, I attended the “all candidates meeting.” Unfortunately all three Liberal candidates were absent. I have tried to find out why, to no avail. It is as if no one wants to talk about it.

I took my daughter, who is blind, to the meeting so she could meet all the candidates. As sighted people we can put a face to name, she can’t. But there is nothing like a handshake and speaking directly to someone, that one can assess a candidate and consider where to cast their ballot.

While we were disappointed with the missing candidates, it was a good discussion with the remaining candidates. The level of intelligence and passion of the candidates present was evident.

Did they take advantage of the situation in a negitive manner? No. In fact, it was refreshing to witness a level of civility and humour.

Do I really need to know why for the no shows? Not really. When I take time out of a busy day to meet a candidate, there is an expectation all the candidates would be there to meet with the voters. Much was said by their choice not to attend.

Joyce Mainland,



Kelowna Capital News