Letter: Cannan glamorizes Harper’s sanctimonious speech

What do politicians like him and his ilk know about sacrifice?

To the editor:

How can you allow such an obvious fluff piece by MP Ron Cannan, entitled Remembering the Sacrifice (Aug. 8 Capital News)?

What do politicians like him and his ilk know about sacrifice?

He glamorizes Harper’s sanctimonious speech, thanking the vets and 650,000 Armed Forces who did sacrifice quite a bit—including their lives—to defend our country.

But he forgot to add that while the self-serving hypocrite was doing another photo-op, shaking hands and smiling with the vets, Harper was also arguing that Canada does not have a social contract with veterans in response to a class-action suit brought by veterans upset with the compensation arrangement offered to wounded soldiers under the New Veterans Charter.

And this court case has just surpassed $1 million in costs, paid by us, the taxpayer.

How ludicrous is this?

Time for a change in government.

R. St. Martin,



Kelowna Capital News