Letter: Careless cyclists tempt the Grim Reaper

Cyclists don't have lights on the back or the front of their bicycles and are not wearing helmets.

To the editor:

I just read that police were attending a collision regarding a 61-year-old man who was sent to the hospital in the wee hours of the night. He was riding on his bicycle along a sidewalk and darted onto the road. He didn’t have lights on his bicycle and also no helmet. The driver couldn’t see him and was not charged.

My partner drives for a living, six nights a week and this goes on all the time. The cyclists cut off his vehicle on many occasions. Luckily for them, he is an extra careful driver and is always on guard.

The don’t have lights on the back or the front of their bicycles and are not wearing helmets.

I think they should be fined and their bikes taken away — or both.

In Ontario al bicycles are licensed. Why can’t we do the same here?

So, if you cyclists are reading this, obey the rules of the road or you may be the next fatality.

June St. Lawrence, Kelowna

Kelowna Capital News