LETTER: Casinos prey on the vulnerable population

Gambling attracts the lower income people, the elderly, the addicted and the dreamers.

Casinos prey on the vulnerable population

I am adamantly against this insane idea.  I feel like having a childish meltdown over this abominable idea.

Gambling attracts the lower income people, the elderly, the addicted and the dreamers.  Who pays for their losses, when they have no more funds to live on, buy food with? We tax payers for their subsidized monies and bail outs do. A perfect example is in Times Colonist Sunday July 10, 2016.  Victoria senior, 91 year old Elfriede Lippa,  with her addiction, is now hugely in debt and living in a longterm care facility at tax payers expense.

If the current  View Royal Casino is overly packed, make it larger. We do not need to put one in our highly honourable city we are currently proud of, dragging it down with a terrible message of sucking money from those without will power.

And to even consider the exquisite, heritage icon, the stunning Crystal Garden, with such a negative, garish idea is a disgusting outrage.

Think of the traffic, noise and parking.

A majority of the locals are in a furor over the bus terminal turmoil fiasco in the same area.

This latest brainwave is the worst possible.

First the Johnson Street bridge, then the sewage, now this latest nightmare. Outrageous.

Anita PriceJames Bay



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