LETTER: Castlegar senior makes plea for teens to wear masks

H. Kellet shares frustrations and fear

I am a senior. I do my own grocery shopping every 10 days to two weeks. I try to go as early as possible as it is normally a little less busy. I mask up every time. There is a certain corner in the north end here between Kootenay Market and Crumbs that is very busy with high school students hanging around in groups, some in masks, others not. While I was waiting for my ride the last time I was there, I counted 21 young people go right by me. They walk in groups and I was the one that had to move onto the parking lot to avoid contact. I have to say that that was scary. Since when is a grocery store a lunchroom for high schoolers? It is ridiculous and some stricter measures need to be taken to keep us who abide by the rules safe. What is wrong with city hall here? Please do something.

Concerned senior,

H. Kellett

Castlegar News