Letter: Castlegar should go back to weekly garbage

Reader Michael Landrecht say community dumpster not the answer

For the past several years the City of Castlegar has been reduced to biweekly garbage pick up. There’s been no reduction in cost to the taxpayer during this time and there has been increased problems including insufficient space in the cans for that much garbage, and increased bear activity.

Garbage cans that the city purchased in order to be able to do garbage pick up with one person and one truck is a cost savings that was never passed on to Castlegar citizens.

The cans are not bear proof they are barely bear resistant.

Instead of going back to weekly garbage pick as they should, they are asking us to drive our garbage several blocks to a dumpster. We pay taxes to have garbage picked up. The city keeps reducing our services but not our cost.

A dumpster is not the answer. The answer is to go back to weekly garbage pick up like a normal city. The city created this problem and the onus should be on them to correct it at their cost not ours.

Michael Landrecht,


RELATED: City of Castlegar plans to offer dumpster for small amounts of summer garbage

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