LETTER: Cathedral Grove is a forest fire fuel nightmare waiting to happen

I see a lot of propaganda on how to help prevent forest fires and a lot of it makes sense

LETTER: Cathedral Grove is a forest fire fuel nightmare waiting to happen

To the Editor,

I see a lot of propaganda on how to help prevent forest fires and a lot of it makes sense. So why does the Cathedral Grove park not have a program to clean up the mess along the roadway through the park, or just allow residents to cut up the fire fuel danger?

A cigarette thrown out of a car window or someone walking tosses a cigarette into the loose, dried out fire fuel alongside the road, or a lightning strike—this is probably the worst fire fuel depot I have seen in a long time.

A friend tried to cut up some of the fallen dried out logs and was told by a park official it was not allowed; they wanted to keep it natural looking. There are a lot of people that would love to cut up the fire fuel debris for winter stock for their fireplaces and air-tight heating devices.

Not doing so could be the end of a beautiful tourist adventure, from lack of responsibility.

Dave Noble,

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News