Mark Strahl, MP for Chilliwack-Hope in the virtual House of Commons Oct. 26, 2020 going to bat for Fraser Valley Speciality Poultry. (Mark Strahl/Facebook)

LETTER: CFIA bureaucracy is out of control and offensive

'This is a bad joke and it smells of gangsterism,' writes Rolf Van Nuys

Re: “MP Strahl goes to bat for Chilliwack farmer in the virtual House of Commons” Chilliwack Progress, Oct. 27, 2020.

Thank you Mark Strahl.

What kind of ethics does the Canada Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) operate under?

Half the fine if you pay quietly and quickly?

This is a bad joke and it smells of “gangsterism.”

This bureaucracy is out of control. As a retired farmer, I find this extremely offensive.

Rolf Van Nuys


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