LETTER: Check ‘yes’ or ‘no’

Now the City of Abbotsford’s mayor and councillors are recommending the hiring of a homeless coordinator...

Let the insanity continue. Now the City of Abbotsford’s mayor and councillors are recommending the hiring of a homeless coordinator. This new coordinator would be required to make decisions on the vagrants that our mayor and councillors are too inept to make.

This new position would only cost $92,000 to $124,000 in wages. It would also require an office in city hall, office staff and a vehicle paid for by Abbotsford residents.

With the upcoming civil election in November, let’s put this vagrant issue to referendum. Simple question: Do the residents of Abbotsford want the vagrants to remain? Check “yes” or “no.”

If Abbotsford residents vote “no”, the new mayor and councillors must instruct the Abbotsford Police to take the required steps to remove these vagrants. I’m sure the police will be happy to have their shackles removed.

Should Abbotsford residents vote “yes” to keep the vagrants, we now know where to locate the new Dignity Village.

It’s so much easier to sit back, be quiet and think, “there’s nothing I can do, so why bother?” Council and city hall have had this attitude for years. A Dignity Village anywhere in our city does not solve any vagrant problems – it just relocates these problems.

There needs to be a resolution to this vagrant terrorist situation.

The mayor and councillors need to make the tough decisions Abbotsford residents elected them to make.


C. Howard



Abbotsford News