Letters to the editor.

LETTER – Chickens belong on farmland

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

I am against having backyard chickens within Courtenay city limits.

While the allure of farm-fresh eggs is appealing, let’s look at the costs. The purchase and storage of feed; proper knowledge of poultry care; the disposal of feces and dead birds; the spread of viral born diseases, as we are just coming out of a pandemic. The housing of chickens – after all, we do get storms and snow; the potential of predators such as rats, raccoons, possibly cougars and bears looking for chicken dinner are all considerations.

What do you do with all the chickens when the novelty wears off? You can’t release them into the wilderness – they are domestic animals and do not have survival skills.

If a person wants to have farm animals, I would suggest they relocate to an ALR property.

Lynn Spiece,


Comox Valley Record