Letter: Chilliwack Metropolitan Orchestra a delight

he CMO can stand proudly and equal to any professional orchestra, writer says.

I just wanted to let you know how much my husband and I enjoyed the “Viva Espana” performance of the Chilliwack Metropolitan Orchestra, Saturday night.

I liked the idea of having an emcee, Jack Kopstein. This allowed the conductor, Gregory Johnson, freedom to concentrate on the orchestra.

The music was lovely and so entertaining, although I suspect it was quite a difficult challenge. Despite that, the orchestra met that challenge and sounded very professional!

Karen Pitkethly, the Spanish dancer, was terrific, but with those incredible moves, she needed more of the stage on which to perform.

Tiffany Delooff did an amazing rendition of Villa Lobos’ No. 5. Her voice moved effortlessly from angelic to haunting. And who better to accompany her than Rod Swanson, truly a master of the classical guitar.

What an evening! It was a delight to be in the audience. The CMO can stand proudly and equal to any professional orchestra.

Thanks to all who made the evening possible.


Cathy Maycock

Chilliwack Progress