
Letter: Choice not to be vaccinated has consequences

The anti-vaccination crowd doesn't like the consequences which follow from their choices

Choice not to be vaccinated has consequences

In response to a recent letter in the 26th August edition of this paper, I would like to point out that the only people who are talking of restricted civil liberties and forced inoculation are those of the anti-vaccination crowd.

No one is being forced to get vaccinated and no one is having their civil rights curtailed.

What is happening, is that people are being given choices. It is simply that the anti-vaccination crowd doesn’t like the consequences which follow from their choices. In fact, they believe that there shouldn’t even be any.

So, any of them is free to decline being vaccinated, and no one is going to force them to be, but they have no “civil rights” which state they should have unfettered access to private businesses.

Choices have consequences. The mature person recognises this and if the anti-vax crowd had the courage of their convictions they would accept this and live with the situation rather than rail at what they, fallaciously, view as a conspiracy against them.

Bruce Simmons


Cowichan Valley Citizen