Letter: City controls the message

I understand that soon after a municipal election, new council members are informed the city has only one employee.

To the editor:

The next municipal election is a few months away. I have been intrigued by a specific practice at Kelowna City Hall and I would appreciate a well-reasoned answer from council.

I understand that soon after a municipal election, new council members are informed the city has only one employee. It is the city manager, presently Ron Mattiussi. Should any member of council want any information from a specific department, he or she can only do so through the city manager.

If this is correct, it does not make any sense. Better still, if true, it is incredible that no one has ever challenged this directive.

As a resident, I could approach any department if I need any specific information, besides surfing City Hall web site. If I were elected by the people to serve them, I would refuse to abide by this one employee concept, would challenge it, and even would take it all the way to the court. This practice must be labour-intensive and time-consuming for Mattiussi, unless council members never had to.

I have gone through the Municipal Act and could not find any such a directive How and when did this practice originate?

After the November 2014 election and council meet for the first time, who reads the riot act? And, is every single member of council happy with this directive?

Mo Rajabally,



Kelowna Capital News