Letter: City could use a running track

I am just curious at this point and would love to see and hear other people’s views on this subject., writes Nipper Kettle.

I would like to address an issue that I find needs addressing and food for thought in the minds of our city leaders and school district.

I have noticed that Grand Forks has a beautiful park, schools and many other amenities but the one thing I sincerely feel needs addressing is the lack of a proper running track.

Not even the schools have a running track for their kids to get proper fitness and training. Not only that, in order to train for track and field events it’s crucial to have a track.

Running on a track is very beneficial and running is one of the sports that is very economical to get into as well.

As I watch the kids run around the block on Central Avenue it just puzzles me that in a town our size WHY this has never become an issue or even an idea that has gained any traction (pun intended).

I am just curious at this point and would love to see and hear other people’s views on this subject. I hope to raise this issue at the upcoming all-candidates forum in the near future.

– Nipper Kettle, Grand Forks


Grand Forks Gazette