If you have a letter you’d like to submit to the editor for consideration, please email us at editor@theprogress.com.

If you have a letter you’d like to submit to the editor for consideration, please email us at editor@theprogress.com.

LETTER: City council pay should be tied to rate of inflation

'Unfortunately many politicians are elected based on their popularity and not based on their education or experience'

The Chilliwack mayor and councillors should adopt the pay system used by Abbotsford council, in which council pay is tied to the average worker’s wage in their city. Wages will increase or decrease based on a census held every five years with annual increases based on the rate of inflation.

Unfortunately many politicians are elected based on their popularity and not based on their education or experience, and paying high wages and benefits does not result in better quality politicians either.

David Peters

• Send your letter to the editor via email to editor@theprogress.com. Please include your first and last name, address, and phone number.

• READ MORE: Chilliwack Progress Letters

Chilliwack Progress