Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor

Letter: City drug problem getting worse

Wow, I guess my letter must have struck raw nerve with some narrow-minded folks…

Dear Editor,

Wow, I guess my letter must have struck raw nerve with some narrow-minded folks who are hugely in denial over the fact downtown Langley has a negative reputation of crime and drugs.

There are needles on the grounds at Douglas and Portage Parks where families take their children to play.

Does that make you feel any safer?

I even discovered a filthy syringe in the washroom at Langley City Library and there are users shooting up at Innes Corner Plaza in broad daylight; not to mention assaults that happen at the bus loop on Logan Avenue and Glover Road.

What has your mayor and City council even done to address this issue that gets worse year after year?

Mike Brian, Surrey



Langley Advance