Letter: City gives short notice to get public’s input

Such a short and quite obscure and very late notice…seems merely to cover a city staff commitment.

To the editor:

Gee, thanks a lot—for the city’s miniscule notice Thursday March 7 re. their holding open houses Friday March 8, noon to  5 p.m., and Saturday March 9, noon – 4 p.m. at Orchard Park Mall—where?—asking for public input on local concerns. In order to improve the city’s “public engagement activities” they ask us to “get connected and have your say.”

Did many of us who really care about saving the Cedar Avenue beachfront or other really critical local concerns even see this minute notice?

Such a short and quite obscure and very late notice pretty well assures a very poor public attendance and seems merely to cover a city staff commitment.

Shame on city hall.

J.L. Lambrick,


Kelowna Capital News