

LETTER: City has power, gov’t backing to reduce plastic use and it’s time to use it

The only real solution to our plastic pollution crisis is to quit using so much

To the Editor,

Every time someone talks about plastic recycling, it makes me think that plastic companies are really happy because they can keep on producing more plastic, because “now it can be recycled.”

The only real solution to our plastic pollution crisis is to quit using so much.

Now the provincial government is giving us the tools to begin to cut back. Municipalities will now be able to develop bylaws to put limits on the amount of single use plastic that is distributed in their communities. So just as our governments and health authorities are giving us guidance for surviving the COVID-19 crisis, our city can now help us through the plastic crisis. British Columbia Environment Minister George Heyman recently stated “We will first help them (the municipalities) and advise them on the construction of their bylaws and we will approve them expeditiously.”

Although this action by the province is long overdue, the ball is now in city council’s court. They have been given permission to move ahead into a cleaner future for our community.

John Mayba,

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News