Letter: City of Penticton council agreements

There is only one purpose that a waterslide would serve anyone.

As printed in the Western News Friday, Dec. 2  edition,  in reference to the Skaha Park dilemma, one of our council is quoted as saying, “Personally, I would have liked to see a waterslide.”

Really? We have two beautiful lakes here. Why would you want to see some structure on our beaches that will surely one day become just another eyesore for the public to have to endure and wonder how long it will take before that dilapidated old structure will be removed.  Just as has happened at least two times already in Penticton’s past history.

There is only one purpose that a slide would serve anyone.  And that would be the one that gets to put your money into their own pockets.  We all know that, well, some of us.

Those of us who oppose the destruction of our public parks. Ask yourself this…”what benefit will your children gain by simply taking an instantaneous ride down the slide.  What benefit will it serve their future?  How about this…spend that money on having your children learn how to swim, in one of our beautiful lakes or at an indoor pool.

Now imagine how much more beneficial that accomplishment could possibly benefit your child later in their life, as compared to giving your money away for a few seconds of screams. Now tell me I’m wrong.

Joan Johnson





Penticton Western News