
LETTER: City of Port Alberni deserves kudos, not negative comments

Uptown merchant says growth shows confidence in city

To the Editor,

I was inspired to write this letter by all of the negative comments I have heard on social media lately. It has been so negative that I have stopped reading them.

I wanted to thank the mayor and council of our city for their brave move forward in purchasing the Somass Sawmill lands. It is the first time in many years that I feel confident about the future of Port Alberni.

I understand that for many change is scary. But change we must.

Ray Kroc once said: “If you’re green, you’re growing. If you’re ripe, you rot.” Port Alberni was rotting. It has not changed for 40 years. The attitudes need to change. We need to be positive, take pride in our community and not constantly be looking for the negative.

As well, I want to give kudos to staff at Parks and Recreation for all they are doing for the Uptown area. The flower beds and hanging baskets look great and we are looking forward to the new garbage cans. Changes are being made without us having to push so hard and it is refreshing.

And kudos to the new manager at city works for the work that is finally being done in the Uptown area. The street sweepers and leaf blowers are doing a great job. City works has helped make our Uptown Market one of the most successful we’ve had. The streets look great and it had not happened for some time.

So for all of the positive changes happening at city hall, thank you.

Chris Washington,

Port Alberni

(Editor’s note: Chris Washington owns two shops on Third Avenue in the city’s Uptown area and is married to a city councillor)

Alberni Valley News