Letter: City responds to Rutland Centennial Park quizzing

The City is not proposing any use for the property that falls outside either the zoning or the covenant.

To the editor:

This is in response to the letter (Hoops

Still To Be Jumped In Ownership Of Rutland Park) published in the Capital News on February 17.

A rezoning to P3 does not need to occur for Centennial Park, but will likely occur at some point in the future. The park use is allowable within the current P2 zoning and the covenant requires that the City conform with allowable uses in the P3 zone.

The City is not proposing any use for the property that falls outside either the zoning or the covenant. The City will therefore not be in conflict with either the zoning or the covenant.

The subdivision was approved by both the subdivision approving officer and Land Titles Office and meets all legal and statutory requirements.

The City is not currently in any negotiations to purchase 190 Rutland Rd N.

Tom Wilson,

communications supervisor,

City of Kelowna


Kelowna Capital News