LETTER: City should purchase vacant property

From reader Steve Flett...

LETTER: City should purchase vacant property

Anna Purcell’s article in Wednesday’s edition brought me back to thoughts I ‘ve had many times. Europe offers many such spaces fitting Anna’s four point list.

As she notes, so has Nelson, but only when we examine the whole.

However, there remains one specific place that cries to be utilized for all those solid and good community ideals espoused. It actually is a “common space” though few may realize it. I speak of the currently for sale three-story empty area next to the Salvation Army building on Vernon St. This viewing space/corridor has provided that airy and open feeling to not only Vernon Street, but also tangentially to Baker Street. It adds to the ambiance and draw of our downtown spaces.

Think for a moment how it would feel to have the space filled with a three- or four-story condo and commercial centre, closing off that airy view. Then think of a public space sitting atop a parking complex, possibly with small retail along the sides, but not the back. A potential setting for small events both civic and market driven connected to Baker Street. More off street parking, community space and views to boot.

As Anna has written: “The commons belong to everyone, and are our greatest community asset. Let’s keep them at the heart of our decision making.”

I urge Nelson City Council to purchase that property now and then plan community spaces for the future.

Steve Flett


Nelson Star