Letter: City shows no effort at democracy

I think people need to be given equal information about both possibilities (park only and park/commercial) and let them decide from there.

To the editor:

Re: Cedar Avenue development

There seem to be three key facts I can glean on the topic of the Cedar Avenue area: The space was originally intended as park land, there is a significant number of folks who want to see it stay park land only (i.e. no commercial), and the current method of gathering feedback from the public is quite biased.

I don’t think the idea of keeping the area park only has been adequately presented as an option to the public and there has been a bias towards making the area commercial/park in the city’s presentations and feedback gathering process.

This doesn’t seem to be democracy in action or practice.

I think people need to be given equal information about both possibilities (park only and park/commercial) and let them decide from there.

What I’ve seen is mock-ups of how nice the proposed park/commercial development would be, but I’d like to see how nice a park-only could be, and then make up my mind.

Lisa Masini,



Kelowna Capital News