Letter: City’s ad left out information

The City of Grand Forks ad in the Sept. 28 Grand Forks Gazette didn't give consultant's full opinion, writes D. Panter.

The City of Grand Forks placed an advertisement on page A5 in the Sept. 28, 2016 edition of the Grand Forks Gazette.

This advertisement was located in such a manner and contained only the portion of the letter from their consultant (which was sent to concerned residents) that supports the opinion of Peter Matheson. The following is the last paragraph of that letter:

“Although the proposed project complies with the Grand Forks zoning bylaw in my opinion, I am aware there has been some neighbourhood curiosity and concern over the nature of this project. Even though this project is permitted, it is somewhat puzzling to me why a project of this nature did not involve some sort of communication with the neighbourhood in the form of a public information meeting, open house or through general public consultation hosted by the applicant.

“In the interests of ensuring acceptance and understanding by the neighbourhood, I would suggest that there be some form of information sharing with the neighbours possibly through a public information meeting sponsored and undertaken by the applicant—the Province of B.C.”

– D. Panter, Grand Forks


Grand Forks Gazette