Letter: Claim denying medical pot to care facility resident from history

Since 2012, we have had a policy to accommodate clients who have authorization to possess and administer cannabis for medical purposes.

To the editor:

I am writing in response to the letter to the editor, Biased policy toward medical marijuana, posted on Jan. 6, 2016 from Mark Conlin of Sensible B.C.

The letter makes reference to a “recent” local TV news story where a patient claimed he was denied access to medical cannabis, despite having a license.

I would like to clarify that the story was from 2009. In the seven years since, federal legislation governing access to medical cannabis has changed, and so have Interior Health policies. Interior Health is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for those in our care, including meeting the individualized needs of clients, including those requiring medicinal cannabis.

As such, since 2012, we have had a policy in place to accommodate clients who have Health Canada authorization to possess and administer cannabis for medical purposes.

Cindy Kozak-Campbell,

Interior Health interim executive director, Residential Services



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