LETTER: Clarification sought on Banks Crescent

LETTER: Clarification sought on Banks Crescent

This seven-point plan that is under review came from the Lark Group in the first place

Dear Editor:

As the information gathering process continues for the controversial proposed Banks Crescent development by Lark Group, I would like clarification please concerning the third-party engineering review of the proposed aquifer protection strategy as discussed at the Oct. 23 council meeting.

Do I understand correctly:

• The District of Summerland (i.e. taxpayers) is paying for this independent third party review, not the developer?

•Is the plan under review based on Lark Group’s two letters dated July 27, 2017 and Aug. 14, 2017, which outlined their seven-point revised “enhanced aquifer protection plan” to try to address the many concerns raised by our Summerland Trout Hatchery?

Are these two letters that Lark refers to as “the aquifer protection plan” what you are asking an independent third party review to look at?

Is this really an unbiased review when this seven-point plan that is under review came from the Lark Group in the first place?

Lark also defend “their position that vibration-induced turbidity will not pose a risk to the underlying aquifer” and then they quote two engineering firms they hired?

I am happy you are trying to address Summerland Trout Hatchery’s very real concerns, but does this sound a little like a fox in the hen house?

Barbara Robson


Summerland Review