Letter: Clark doesn’t accept invitation to talk about marijuana

LNG proposals have tanked…one would think that Premier Clark would recognize an economic life preserver when she sees one.

To the editor:

As a local organizer for Sensible BC and constituent of West Kelowna, I recently contacted the office of my MLA— Premier Christy Clark—regarding the election of the federal Liberals and the anticipated change to Canada’s marijuana laws. As in my past correspondence with her office, I offered her the opportunity to discuss the issue with some of our own experts in the field. These include Ph.D. researchers, medical personnel, growers, patients and medical dispensary representatives.

Rather than initiating this inevitable conversation, I was given a polite “thanks, but, no thanks”, response. Instead, the B.C. government will wait for the federal government to consult with them and, then, Premier Clark’s government will consult with health and public security officials.

Unfortunately, this demonstrates exactly why the black market is flourishing. Premier Clark’s position ignores the fully functioning industry and distribution network already in place. Without acknowledging and, to some extent, incorporating, those pre-existing players—patients, dispensaries and growers—B.C. will continue to miss out on the economic and social advantages of a well thought out legalization regimen. The black market will continue to thrive without public buy-in to any new system.

Given that her LNG proposals have tanked so dramatically, one would think that Premier Clark would recognize an economic life preserver when she sees one.

Mark Conlin, organizer,

Sensible BC—West Kelowna


Kelowna Capital News