Letter: Clark gets failing grade on ‘Family First’

Time to be a little frugal with our tax dollars and get our schools ready on time for the school year.

Open letter to B.C. Premier Christy Clark:

Wow! What happened to the Christy Clark “Family First” platform you kept referring to when we were leading up to voting day.

It wasn’t that long ago, Christy, let’s get on with your big talk about how you were going to do great things for the people of British Columbia. So far, a failing grade on an easy fix of the school system that you continue to push aside for other things.

There is a priority here, don’t you get it?

Your government continues to rant about the [teachers’] salary being the main problem and you do have a majority of them believing you, but tell it the way it is. And while we are on the salary subject, your party gave themselves a nice salary increase last year. I have forgotten the percentage but it was a dandy and, of course, voting on your own raise is a tough decision to make.

Teachers’ last salary increase was two years ago.

The amount of money spent by your cronies on air travel, hotels and meals alone is theft of taxpayers’ money, as far as I’m concerned.

Time to be a little frugal with our tax dollars and get our schools ready on time for the school year.

You are putting a lot of pressure on parents by the poor effort your government has shown so far.

My grandchildren are in public school, not private school, and their system should not be a political grandstanding show of power for our government.

By the way, Christy, when you went to China with your cronies on that costly trade mission, was it hockey or baseball cards you were trading?

Russ Lennstrom,



Kelowna Capital News