LETTER: Clean tech is waiting in the wings

From reader Laura Sacks....

LETTER: Clean tech is waiting in the wings

Transitions are rarely easy be it personally, professionally or for our country. As a nation we are in the exciting process of transitioning to a low carbon economy. No one expected it to be easy. Pushback from those vested in the old economy should be expected.

As provincial and federal governments appear to be playing a dangerous game of chess over new fossil fuel projects, the reality is that climate change is urgent and accelerating. Scientists tell us that we have a short period of time to rapidly reduce our emissions until we are committed to global warming above the dangerous threshold of 2 Celsius.

We are ratifying the Paris climate agreement with Harper’s inadequate targets, which are not consistent with doing our fair share globally. According to a new Nanos poll, most Canadians favour a federal climate plan and are accepting of carbon pricing.

Clean tech is waiting in the wings with solutions and has the potential to provide many more jobs that the fossil fuel industry.

We have an obligation to our children to make this challenging transition to a renewable future, and to do it in a socially just manner.

Laura Sacks

Tarrys, BC

Nelson Star