LETTER: Clinging to outdated means of bird control

It is incongruous that any person would be party to establishment of a fair farm practices legislation that included propane cannons.

It is incongruous that any enlightened person would be party to establishment of a fair farm practices legislation that included the repugnant application of excessive noise, such as a propane cannon, to scare birds.

Most progressive and community-minded farmers would not use the propane cannon as it is offensive to neighbours and the community within hearing distance. Adept farmers do not use the cannon.

Yet dinosaur-minded bureaucrats, indifferent elected politicians and inept farmers band together to support continuing use of a most offensive device that causes considerable alienation, and pits neighbour against neighbour in some vain attempt to justify scaring birds.

Noise is a contributor to deteriorating health, heart problems and anxiety, yet foolhardy people actually try to justify continued use. Rather than take progressive steps to adopt effective measures of bird control available, some cling to outdated and poor means that were wrongly incorporated into otherwise fair-minded farm protection legislation.

George F. Evens


Abbotsford News