Letter: Clinton and U.S. Democrats have many issues

Editor: How could you give (space to) the opinion of Sheri Hall, for a letter that was so riddled with false information.

She is so obsessed with a female or black  president.  No one should vote for a person based on the colour of their skin or their gender instead of policy.

The problem  with Hillary Clinton was not that she had a private server, it was because she used it for classified government business and then lied about it.

She also wiped it clean after congress had subpoenaed the emails.

As for her accusation that the president before Obama put them into billions of dollars in debt and decided not to support veterans’ health care when they returned. The facts are that president Obama accumulated more debt in his term than all the previous presidents before him combined.

Also the scandal with the veterans health care was after Obama was in office for almost seven years.

If she thinks Canada accepts foreigners whether they are Muslim, Hispanic, Filipinos or any race, into Canada without proper use of immigration policy, she is wrong.

That is all president-elect Trump is saying — legal immigration.

Try entering into Canada without it and see what happens, or try entering into Mexico from the U.S.A and see how well they treat you.

If Sheri is so worried about her children she should try telling them the truth instead of her biased view.

Mel Snow, Aldergrove

Langley Times