Ray Travers, chair of the Memorial Avenue Committee, stands near the memorial trees on Shelbourne Street commemorating Canadian war deaths during the First World War. His group wants to turn the street into a larger commemorative space that would add more memorial trees to the street.

Ray Travers, chair of the Memorial Avenue Committee, stands near the memorial trees on Shelbourne Street commemorating Canadian war deaths during the First World War. His group wants to turn the street into a larger commemorative space that would add more memorial trees to the street.

LETTER: Committee welcomes input on memorial trees

The comments about the care and maintenance needs of the existing London Plane trees on Shelbourne, by Mr. Reimer who lives on this street, are welcome.

The comments about the care and maintenance needs of the existing London Plane trees on Shelbourne, by Mr. Reimer who lives on this street, are welcome.

These concerns are the reason why the Memorial Avenue Committee recommends the preparation of a Conservation Management Plan (CMP) so the community can understand in advance the short and long term (say 100 years) care and maintenance needs of planting new and existing London Plane trees, when redevelopment occurs.

A CMP is a practical tool that helps policy makers, landowners, and managers (i.e. arborists) make sound decisions about conserving and managing heritage resources.

The proposed Shelbourne CMP will identify the cultural heritage significance of the Memorial Trees, set out conservation policies (if this, then this…) to conserve and manage this important cultural legacy and provide guidance about what to when redevelopment occurs.

Shelbourne as a Memorial Avenue, from Mount Douglas Park in Saanich, south to Bay Street in Victoria, was established in 1921 to honour and respect the estimated 600 soldiers and nurses who did not return home to Greater Victoria, after the First World War, 1914-1918. The Shelbourne Memorial Trees are a gift from their generation, to ours – with community benefits, some costs and citizen responsibilities.

Ray Travers, chair

Memorial Avenue Committee

Saanich News