Letter: Common sense before there’s a third world war

Trying to drag the Middle East into the 21st century is an essay in futility, arrogance and downright too little too late.  

To the editor:

Much kudos to Capital News for the Sept. 5 excellent opinion piece: Political Theatre Scary and Absurd.

I lived in America during the very oppressive Bush regime after 9/11, and I marched against the coming war in Iraq. I saw right through the specious claims that were made by the Bush administration.

ely appalling at that time. The atmosphere in the US was rife with fear, panic and warmongering.

Now it’s déjà vu all over again. Instead of Colin Powell and his lies, substitute current Secretary of State John Kerry.  It is absolutely mystifying to me how the US thinks that hurling a few cruise missiles into the civil war arena that is Syria will do anything to deter the Assad regime from further aggression. It still hasn’t been made clear if a faction of the rebels were also responsible for chemical attacks on their own people, particularly as there is now a report of Saudi Arabia providing chemical weapons to some of the rebels.

But whoever is responsible for these atrocities, American military intervention is certainly not the answer. The West has shown a colossal ignorance of the thinking, customs and culture of the Middle East as it has stomped its way through war-torn region, country after country.

Trying to drag the Middle East into the 21st century is an essay in futility, arrogance and downright too little too late. Thank you Capital News for having the guts to tell us what common sense dictates, before we are plunged into a possible third world war.

Laurence Marshall,



Kelowna Capital News