

LETTER: Community support after break and enter a ‘bright light’

Your care and concern is gratefully appreciated and totally unexpected


I am new to Williams Lake and early yesterday morning my home was invaded by three degenerate males.

They kicked my double locked front door in and stole my ROOTS wallet before I discovered them and chased them off, screaming and yelling.

One was in my vehicle and a driver was waiting outside for the entering thieves, in what looked like a dark Dodge journey, which they ran to and sped away.

I had lights on and a vehicle in the yard prior to those pukes choosing my house.

My neighbour called the RCMP and a professional, articulate, caring and kind officer attended.

He called forensics (evidence was left) and victim services.

I cancelled a couple of appointments in WL and one of those people advised me that my community wanted me to know that if anything was required related to the home invasion to please contact them in McLeese Lake.

I am writing to thank those people for their care and attention to me, a senior recovering from this blatantly, bold home invasion. So appreciated.

I would like to advise everyone, especially seniors, that two, double bolted, locked doors (while I was at home) will not keep thieves out.

Much gratitude to my neighbours, the community of McLeese Lake, Const. Nicoll, Aislin Barr, Victim Services, the awesome RCMP forensic guy, a total stranger, Darlene, an acquaintance Tamara, who heard about it, Terry, the excellent carpenter that replaced the kicked-in front door, the Williams Lake Tribune and Service Canada for a replacement driver’s license (these cowards got all the contents, cash and cards when they stole my wallet.)

Please if anyone finds a ROOTS wallet or any bank/credit cards, I would be extremely grateful if you would notify Williams Lake RCMP.

READ MORE: RCMP search for suspects in bold break and enter north of Williams Lake

The most prevalent theme of this day was the care, concern and assistance rendered from part of the Williams Lake community and the McLeese Lake community.

Many thanks to all of you: you know who you are.

Your care and concern is gratefully appreciated and totally unexpected.

A bright light into a totally inexcusable criminal act that made it just a little less shocking.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Cathryn Ward

McLeese Lake

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